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Kookboek | Shortlist Amsterdam (English)

--.-- 6107Eten, drinken en tabak > Voedselitems > Vlees, vis en eieren


Amsterdam’s culinary scene is thriving, yet it’s almost impossible to keep up with so many new restaurants opening their doors. After years of tasting dishes and reviewing pretty much every restaurant in Amsterdam, food journalists Famke & Floor van Praag have compiled their definitive list of all-time favourites. Instead of highlighting conceptual flashes in the pan, fleeting hotspots or formal fine-dining establishments, this beautifully designed book focuses on 22 authentic restaurants that will never grow stale.

The cookbook is a genuine homage to these uncompromising places, with stunning photography by Petrovsky & Ramone. It includes 44 favourite recipes, from Rijsel’s rotisserie chicken and Toscanini’s mouth-watering mackerel pasta to fabulous vegetable creations by BAK, Choux, Entrepot and Bar Centraal.

The sisters Famke van Praag (1973) and Floor van Praag (1974) have been writing about food for more than 15 years, for magazines such as ELLE Eten, Uitkrant and KLM’s Holland Herald. They have also written several cookbooks. With their upbeat style and superbly accurate observations, they manage to capture a restaurant’s true essence.

590280 Lindenhoff

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